Purpose: To promote the art and craft of woodturning and to provide a forum for woodturners to meet and exchange information.
The club shall be non-profit making and shall consist of an elected committee and members. In the interest of social cohesion membership will be limited to 55 (or as determined from time to time by the Committee) other than which membership shall be open to all.
Members demonstrating at or on behalf of the club shall be entitled to receive expenses at a rate determined from time to time by the committee
Committee: The club committee shall consist of :
Up to 6 other committee members
The committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) from those volunteering for the posts and will meet at least twice a year to agree club business. A minimum of 5 committee members shall be required in order to constitute a meeting.
The Chairman shall be responsible for the overall direction of the club and will preside over the AGM. He/she will be a co-signatory for club cheques.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the club finances. He/she will collect annual subscriptions and workshop fees as required. In addition, he/she shall provide a set of club accounts and a budget for approval at the AGM. He/she will hold the club finances in an approved financial institution. He/she will be a co-signatory for club cheques. The Treasurer shall be responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance for the club.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the booking of accommodation, presenters and exhibitors for the club meetings. In addition, he/she shall produce the club programme, agendas and minutes for the AGM and Committee meetings as required. He/she shall also be responsible for amending the constitution and for advertising the club as required.
The club AGM will be held in January each year. As a minimum the AGM will:
- Accept the club accounts and approve the financial plan.
- Set the club subscriptions for the year*
- Elect the club committee.
- Agree the club programme.
* subscription payment is due following the AGM, and at the latest before the February meeting. Members who have not paid by the Feb meeting will be deemed to have resigned. Payment may be made in cash, by cheque (payable to Test Valley Turners) or by BACS transfer to Test Valley Turners, Sort code 30-90-21, Account No 03288465 (using your name as the reference)
Honorary Members The committee is empowered to nominate, from time to time, additional Honorary Members in respect of their contribution to the running or development of the club. Such nominations to be announced to the AGM